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Discover the Italy you never knew

Landscapes and paths, nature and sport, art and flavours:

In our country, there is always something you don't know of as yet.

Let your Viaggio Italiano surprise you.


Discover the Italy you never knew

Broadening the communication strategy of the excellence of our territories, in line with a communication plan shared between the Ministry of Tourism, Enit and the Italian Regions: this is the objective of the 'Viaggio Italiano' and the 'Discover the Italy you never knew' campaign. The project was launched in 2020 thanks to the resources allocated for the Covid emergency and continued in the following years with a programme agreement between the Ministry of Tourism and the Commission for Tourism Policies – coordinated by the Abruzzo Region - of the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, in collaboration with ENIT. The idea that is to be promoted stems from a very simple insight: Italy is a country so rich in exceptional places, not only the famous monuments, cities of art or the most popular tourist destinations, but above all the small wonders that make the Belpaese a unique place.

Emilia-Romagna, Umbria, Marche and Abruzzo are the lead regions, each highlighting a specific theme: villages, slow tourism, active tourism, nature and parks. On the other hand, the partner Regions have been entrusted with some vertical themes: Tuscany, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Campania deal respectively with enogastronomy, golf and underwater archaeological tourism routes and itineraries.

Discover the Italy you never knew
villages and landscapes

Discover unknown Italy

In Italy, there is always something new to experience!

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Discover unknown Italy
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