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Adrano is a municipality of 35,547 inhabitants located 560 m above sea level in the Etna Park. Already a prehistoric settlement founded by the Siculians, it became a Greek city with the name Adranon in 400 BC. It later fell under Roman, then Byzantine, and finally Saracen rule. Thanks to the Arabs, the city made considerable progress in agriculture and handicrafts, which lasted even in the following centuries, thanks to the foresight of the Normans, who allowed the Saracens to continue their activities that could be profitable for the inhabitants. With the Swabians, however, came the persecution of the Arabs that caused the city's downfall. 

Its position, on a lava plateau overlooking the Simeto river valley, gave it an exceptional microclimate that the Arabs were able to exploit to introduce and develop the production of citrus fruits, olives, pistachios and vegetables

The Norman Castle houses the Regional Archaeological Museum, with its rich collection of prehistoric materials mostly from the Etnean territory.

Monuments of interest are the Mother Church of Norman construction, the Monastery of S. Lucia erected in 1596, the Church of S. Lucia, the Church of S. Agostino with its inlaid marble altar. and the Bellini Theatre built in 1846, in Art Nouveau style.

Not to be missed is the Mostra-Mercato dell'artigianato artistico e commerciale (Artistic and Commercial Handicrafts Exhibition-Market) held in July.


95031 Adrano CT, Italia

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