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Lying at the foot of the Marghine-Planargia chain, close to the banks of the Rio S'Adde, the territory that embraces Macomer is rich in traces of the prehistoric and nuragic era: the domus de janas, the necropolis of Filigosa, the sepulchral complex of Perdas de Tamuli, the tomb of the giants of Puttu'e Oes and the Ruju, Succoronis and Santa Barbara nuraghi are stone treasures that tell the most ancient history of this land. The Santa Barbara nuraghe is the symbol of Macomer: this imposing structure, which rises on a basaltic plateau, on the slopes of Monte Manai, in a dominant position over the Abbasanta plain, towers above a series of minor towers and bastions, all of Nuragic origin, and was once defended by an antemurale, now barely visible. This is Macomer: charm, history and stone weaving.


08015 Macomer NU, Italia

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