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Palazzuolo Sul Senio


Palazzuolo sul Senio is a small village in Mugello, once the heart of the so-called Tuscan Romagna. Situated in the centre of a splendid green mountain gorge, Palazzuolo is an ideal centre for those wishing to explore this part of Mugello, which has unique characteristics in Tuscany, not only from a landscape point of view but also from a gastronomic one, with a cuisine in which ricotta and potato tortelli, tagliatelle alla boscaiola, roasts, kebabs and salmì of game, cheeses including the typical 'raveggiolo', mushrooms, truffles and the celebrated IGP marrone of Mugello stand out. The village and its surroundings offer the opportunity to visit some monuments that are worth mentioning, including the Pieve di Santo Stefano, the beautiful Santuario di Santa Maria della Neve di Quadalto, the Church of Saints Egidio and Martino in Solecchio, the Badia Susinana and the elegant Palazzo dei Capitani.

Ufficio Informazioni Turistiche tel. 0558046125 - 0558046008

Palazzuolo Sul Senio

50035 Palazzuolo Sul Senio FI, Italia

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