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The Ulari cave, inhabited in the Recent Neolithic (3500 B.C.), is the oldest evidence of the presence of man in its territory, which lies between 400 and 700 metres above sea level in the northern part of the Sorres plain, along the valley of the Frida River, south of Mount Pelao. It is no coincidence that the original village was called Gruta (cave), later the name was changed to Borutta. The small Meilogu village - at least 300 inhabitants - was one of the first three Italian municipalities to elect (1946) a mayor, Ninetta Bartoli. The symbol of the village is the famous church of San Pietro di Sorres, recognised as a national monument since 1894. Together with the basilica of the Holy Trinity of Saccargia, it is one of the best known places of worship in Sardinia. Built between the 12th and 13th centuries, it was the cathedral of the (former) diocese of Sorres until 1505. Since 1950, the church and the adjoining monastery have been home to a community of Benedictine monks.


07040 Borutta SS, Italia

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