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GAM - Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea


A museum that houses works by De Chirico, Klee, Picasso and Warhol

From 19th century paintings and sculptures to Divisionism, Futurism and Abstract Art, on to Pop Art and Arte Povera. An itinerary of over 45,000 works, installations, photographs, drawings, engravings, films and videos by artists enriches the Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art (GAM) in Turin. Opened in 1863 at the behest of the Savoy family as the Civic Museum, it contains works by Canova, Fontanesi, Fattori, Medardo Rosso and Pellizza da Volpedo. A collection that has expanded with the exhibition of the great artists of the twentieth century, including Balla, Boccioni, Casorati, Modigliani, De Chirico, Martini, Morandi, De Pisis, and Fontana. Also exhibited are important works from the international historical avant-garde such as Klee, Picabia, Picasso, Ernst, Dix, Calder. GAM also houses Arte Povera collections with works by Merz, Boetti, Pistoletto, Paolini, Zorio, Anselmo and Penone. Among the rooms, there is a space dedicated to works by Warhol, Twombly and Kiefer.

Toilets are available.
Physical disabilities
Entirely or partially accessible to people with disabilities and other challenged persons.
Visual Disabilities
Fully accessible to people with visual impairments.
Hearing Impairment
Fully accessible to people with hearing impairments.
Audio Guide
Audio guides are available for visitors.
There is an elevator inside the facility.
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Full price: € 10

Reduced price: € 8



Full price: € 10

Reduced price: € 8

GAM - Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea

Via Magenta, 31, 10128 Torino TO, Italy

Call +390114429518 Website

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