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The island of Capri

Opposite the Sorrento peninsula, in the Gulf of Naples, there is a world-famous pearl: the island of Capri, known for its beauty and its worldly atmosphere that has enamoured writers, artists and show business personalities. The island has a lush and unique nature, even hosting some animal and plant species that only exist here today. Capri is a mix of history, culture, landscape and art, a mix that has made it the protagonist of legends and tales, many of which have a place that unites them: the world-famous Piazzetta, the fulcrum of the island and the village, the essence of its identity. All around, immense and mighty, the splendid sea that frames this marvel, a sea of travellers and fishermen, of tourists and explorers, a sea that has contributed to making Capri the myth it is.


80076 Capri NA, Italia

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