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Casali del Manco


Casali del Manco was born, in 2017, from the merger of five municipalities (Casole Bruzio, Pedace, Serra Pedace, Spezzano Piccolo and Trenta) that, until 1800, comprised 14 casali. The term Casali refers to origins dating back to before the year 1000 and indicates individual communities, each with its own forms of organization, that have undergone administrative changes over time but have retained their own cultural identity. Casali del Manco is in the Sila National Park and is one of the 71 municipalities that are part of the UNESCO Mab. Numerous churches scattered throughout the territory guard treasures by painters and sculptors, often unknown to official culture but representing the identity of a people proud to live in an environment that is both harsh and welcoming: Santa Marina Vergine in Casole Bruzio; Santi Pietro e Paolo in Pedace; San Donato Vescovo in Serra Pedace; Sant'Andrea Apostolo and the Church of the Assunta in Spezzano Piccolo; Santa Maria del Soccorso in Trenta. If the towns preserve local history, the forest holds secrets and mysteries but also beauty. The mountains of Casali del Manco are the same ones that inspired Gioacchino da Fiore's thoughts when, after his pilgrimage to the Holy Land, he wanted to retreat to the Sila forests to seek confirmation for his theories on the Ages of History.

Casali del Manco

87050 Casali del Manco CS, Italia

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