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Santa Giusta


The town of Santa Giusta is located in central-western Sardinia, about three kilometres from Oristano. As soon as you arrive in the town centre, you can't help but notice the majestic Basilica di Santa Giusta with its imposing staircase.

The town is known for the "Stagno di Santa Giusta", a lake which covers about 790 hectares and is one of the largest on the island. The lake is an important economic resource for the local community. Fishing-related industries are well-developed here, with the main catch including species such as mullet, eel and crab. Fishing on this lake has a long history. In the past, the locals would use small boats known as "Is Fassois", made from hay, thifa or fenu, collected in the lagoon. The Stagno di Santa Giusta has also recently been included by the European Commission in its list of sites of Community interest. It is an ideal habitat for various species of flora and fauna. Nesting birds include the mallard, the coot, the little grebe, the ash heron and the common seagull.

Santa Giusta

09096 Santa Giusta OR, Italia

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