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San Cassiano


A village surrounded by countryside and vast olive groves, its historic centre contains architecture of great value and beauty, such as the elegant Palazzo Cito and the Chiesa Matrice di San Leonardo. Part of the Paduli Park territory, an area dotted with olive groves and 'pajare', ancient dry-stone constructions, San Cassiano each year tells of a tradition it shares, strong and heartfelt, with the surrounding villages. This is the Rite of the Tables of St Joseph that sees, on 19 March, the doors open to pilgrims to share food and hospitality. The rite stems from the ancient custom of giving charity to the poor: it begins the night before, with a small feast, and at noon the next day, tables are set with traditional dishes, which are shared with friends and relatives. A special feature: the meal begins at the moment when St Joseph, impersonated by one of the guests, kicks off with a stroke of his stick.

San Cassiano

73020 San Cassiano LE, Italia

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