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Minervino di Lecce


A small village in the Valle dell'Idro, Minervino di Lecce is a centre that welcomes visitors' steps and guides them towards its beauties, telling stories and legends of its past, of a more recent past that shines through the buildings in the historic centre and of an ancient, almost mysterious past that the prehistoric architecture has never ceased to tell. In the heart of the village, these tales of the past are guarded by the Chiesa Matrice di San Michele Arcangelo, one of the most beautiful Renaissance churches in the Salento, the Chiesa della Madonna delle Grazie, and the palazzi, with their fortifications and decorations. But it is outside the centre that the most distant past meets the traveller's curiosity, in the Li Scusi dolmen and the Monticelli menhir, traces of a history as old as man himself.

Minervino di Lecce

73027 Minervino di Lecce LE, Italia

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