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Situated on the western slope of southern Salento, large olive groves and vineyards, symbols of the village's agricultural tradition, develop around the town. In the heart of the historical centre, you can admire the ancient underground oil mills, dug into the limestone, and the numerous votive niches. The walk through the maze of narrow, winding alleys is accompanied by the dazzling colours of the numerous courtyards and white-painted houses. Of particular importance is the Palazzo Marchesale 'Del Tufo', which today houses both the Municipal Council Hall and the Macma Museum of Contemporary Art. Inside, it is still possible to visit the stables whose frescoed walls bear names of thoroughbred horses. A tour of the old town centre cannot leave out the ancient Chiesa Matrice, dedicated to St George, with its eight faux-marble altars decorated in Baroque style, and the majestic 'Arco della Pietà', a kind of gateway to the town.


73046 Matino LE, Italia

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