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A generous and fertile land, that of Manduria, the 'city of the Messapi' where the famous 'primitivo' is produced, a full-bodied red DOC wine of very ancient origins: its rows of vines are elegant lines that make the landscape surrounding the town even more beautiful, and its pleasant, velvety flavour has made it famous beyond national borders. A city of traditional flavours and history, Manduria is also a city of the sea, which has always influenced the life of the village and intertwined with its events. A trace of this ancient link with the sea is the Torre delle Saline, the ruins of which remain today, which was located in the Marina di Manduria and which had a special function: it was not, in fact, as one might suppose, a watchtower, but a fortified building guarding the Salina dei Monaci (Monks' Saltworks), where the salt that was produced in the saltworks itself was stored. Sea in architecture, sea in gestures. Manduria is also told in the traces of this powerful and majestic element.


74024 Manduria TA, Italia

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