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Castelnuovo della Daunia


The pointed roofs of the buildings and the stately palaces, surrounding the bell tower of the mother church dedicated to Maria SS. della Murgia, make the scenery that presents itself to the eyes of visitors fascinating. Founded by Slav populations from Schiavonia, a geographical area belonging to present-day Croatia, the medieval village, which still preserves part of its ancient walls, overlooks the Fortore Valley, offering a picture-postcard view. Unlike the other small neighbouring towns, the urban layout features wide streets, a large central square and several open spaces where scenic steep alleys converge. The views offered by the rustic 'Strettola' Church, the Church of Maria SS. Incoronata and the Church of San Nicola are also suggestive. The area is rich in springs of oligomineral waters with important therapeutic properties.

Castelnuovo della Daunia

71034 Castelnuovo della Daunia FG, Italia

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