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The old town centre is built around the imposing Norman castle, home to the Civic Museum which houses the only existing bust of Emperor Frederick II. A few steps away stands the Cathedral, overlooking Piazza Duomo. The large bronze statue of the Colossus of Heraclius is certainly a highlight, while inside a 14th-century palace is the Cantina della Disfida, a tavern commemorating the famous dispute between Italian and French knights. The sea, the coastline with its fine sandy beaches and the marina are a splendid backdrop to the old town. Outside the old town, Palazzo della Marra is certainly worth a visit, with the fine collection in the art gallery containing over 200 works by the famous impressionist painter Giuseppe De Nittis. The Antiquarium of Canne della Battaglia, the site of Hannibal's famed victory over the Romans, houses artifacts dating from prehistoric, classical and medieval times.


76121 Barletta BT, Italia

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