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The historic village, fortified with towers that can be seen here and there, clings to a cliff in the Biferno valley, welcoming those arriving at the Piazza del Popolo hairpin bend with the double historical presence – in its own simple, non-intimidating way – of the Doge's Palace and the parish church, one next to the other.

The first, which is called the Castello, originated shortly after the year one thousand, only to be converted into a stately residence in the 16th century and to have a tower added in the following century, without, however, ever removing the drawbridge that had been missing for who knows how many centuries. Today, it is possible to stay overnight by booking on specialised tourist platforms and having access to a wi-fi connection.

The second, the church of S. Maria Assunta to be reached by a short scenic staircase, is perhaps not so ancient in origin, but certainly mediaeval, and – as the Baroque façade shows – has undergone a series of building interventions over the centuries. On the inside, a 16th-century pulpit, an 18th-century wooden sculpture depicting the Resurrection of Christ, and a copy of the Holy Shroud made in 1594 from the original are of interest.

On the opposite side of the town, the Convent of St. Peter Celestine is named after Pope Celestine V who had been its guest. It houses mainly 17th-century works of art, although it has since been fairly modernised.


86025 Ripalimosani CB, Italia

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