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Chiauci rises amidst green forests of turkey oaks, firs, beeches and pines that make the landscape fascinating and almost mysterious. The village of Chiauci is perched on the top of a hill that slopes gently down to the valley and then rises vertiginously up to the peaks of the high mountains. In fact, the village's altitude varies from 618 to 1000 meters and more. The village is crossed by the ancient Castel di Sangro - Lucera sheep-track and its emblem is water. In fact, the Chiauci territory is home to more than 40 springs, which constitute a wealth of inestimable value. The medieval heart of the town was once fortified. Today, the imposing Baronial Palace remains as a reminder of the past, surrounded by walls that originally had three large gates to the village.


86097 Chiauci IS, Italia


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