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Campomarino Lido


Moving away from the lush vineyards of Doc Biferno towards the waters of the Adriatic Sea, one reaches Campomarino Lido, a coastal hamlet of the municipality of Campomarino. The coastline, sandy and straight, is typical of the Middle Adriatic, protected by pine forests and dunes that, before the recent land reclamation, blocked the flow of water, making this landscape prone to marshy backwaters.

Molise's slow industrialisation and low population density have facilitated the protection of the local environment, which is particularly pristine. From the beaches of Campomarino Lido, on clear days, you can see the silhouette of the Tremiti islands on the horizon and, further to the right, the majestic Gargano headland.

Not far from the sea, in the hamlet of Nuova Cliternia di Campomarino, travellers can visit the Sanctuary of the Madonna Grande, where a painting of the Virgin Mary is kept, venerated and the object of pilgrimage especially during the patronal feast in August.

Campomarino Lido

86042 Campomarino Lido CB, Italia

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