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Canna is a village of medieval origin, surrounded by centuries-old olive trees and the Commaroso forest. In the 15th century, a small nucleus of houses stood at the current town. The inhabitants were originally from Nocara, on which they also bureaucratically depended. From that first settlement, the village developed over the years until it reached its maximum population (around 1,800 inhabitants) and its greatest economic development at the beginning of the last century. Today, with a population of around 800, Canna is a pretty and hospitable town that preserves intact the customs and traditions of the past. It has a typical 17th-century urban structure, with Renaissance, Baroque and neoclassical elements, such as the Toscani, Pitrelli and Ielpo palaces, whose marble portals testify to the great skill of local craftsmen. Canna is a town that is very closed to the Marian cult. Although the protection of the town is entrusted to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, devotion to Our Lady of Succour is very much alive and was probably already worshipped in the second half of the 17th century. The statue is carried in procession by devotees on the first Sunday after Ferragosto, the day after the procession of San Rocco.


87070 Canna CS, Italia

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