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Part of the history of Tagliacozzo is contained in its name: according to scholars, in fact, the toponym derives from 'cut in the rock' and indicates the cleft dividing the mountain where the town developed. Other chapters of this tale are intertwined with the remains of the medieval walls that once protected the village together with the castle, now in ruins. But Tagliacozzo's history is also made up of great episodes: it was here that Conradin of Swabia was defeated by Charles of Anjou and the fact is also recalled by Dante in the 28th canto of the Inferno. And to grasp the essence of the village, one must arrive in its ancient heart: beyond the Roman arch, continuing inland, one encounters houses, palaces and churches that seem to have come out of a distant time. Not to be missed, Piazza Obelisco and the Ducal Palace with its rich frescoes.


67069 Tagliacozzo AQ, Italia

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