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Umbria, Trasimeno Hills: a tour along the Wine Route

cycling route
3 days
Number of Stages

This verdant stretch of Umbria is home to vines ideal for the production of Colli del Trasimeno DOC wines, with magical landscapes and fertile soils.

We propose a three days itinerary to discover two superb wines, Gamay and Grechetto, the expression of an area full of history and gastronomic traditions.

Day 1

Passignano sul Trasimeno: home of slow tourism

Passignano sul Trasimeno: home of slow tourism

About 66 kilometres from Perugia, the medieval Rocca di Passignano sul Trasimeno stands out with its high tower dominating the lake.

You can choose to visit the area by bicycle, along the bike path that runs along almost the entire lake basin, or on foot, on the loop trail that takes you to Le Masse.

You will come across the imposing city walls, followed by the Church of San Rocco and the Sanctuary of Madonna dell'Oliveto.

Your relaxing journey following the mandates of slow tourism continues with the discovery of local products. Taste some Colli del Trasimeno DOC wine and indulge in the area's typical olive oil made with Dolce Agogia, one of the most prized native olives. It’s perfect for seasoning carpa regina in porchetta and other fish dishes.

Day 2

Tuoro sul Trasimeno: legumes and good wine

Tuoro sul Trasimeno: legumes and good wine

A historical battle site between the troops of Consul Flaminius, who lost his life here, and Hannibal's victorious Carthaginian army, Tuoro sul Trasimeno is a characteristic fishing village where the spectacular battle is re-enacted every year at the foot of Montegualandro Castle.

Another architectural jewel to admire before you sit down to eat is Campo del Sole at Punta Navaccia, with its columns of sculptures created by important international artists.

And now to tempt your palate. Taste the Trasimeno bean, a Slow Food presidium grown since ancient times: the legume goes well with a fresh spelt salad. But also let yourself be tempted by zuppa al tegamaccio di coccio, made with catch from the lake. All washed down with a soft, fruity Gamay, a red wine perfect for this dish.

If you instead prefer shellfish, seafood salads or fried fish, pair these dishes with a fresh, dry Grechetto, one of the oldest Umbrian white grape varieties in Italy, known even by Pliny the Elder.

Day 3

Castiglione del Lago: among the most beautiful villages in Italy

Castiglione del Lago: among the most beautiful villages in Italy

The church of Santa Maria Maddalena, the Rocca del Leone and the adjacent Palazzo Corgna are just some of the architectures that make Castiglione del Lago one of the most beautiful villages in Italy.

The artistic, environmental and cultural heritage of the small town of Etruscan origin, which has welcomed illustrious guests, from Leonardo da Vinci to Niccolò Machiavelli, will surprise you, step by step.

At the table, you’ll be delighted by dishes made with sand smelt, pike or catfish, a delicate local catch. Eat them while enjoying some good wine. You’re spoilt for choice among the DOC Colli del Trasimeno wines.

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