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Buccheri, the highest town in the Hyblean Mountains, a stop along the Ancient Sicilian Transversal, is one of the most beautiful sicilian villages in Italy. Lying on the slopes of Mount Lauro (986 m), it is the custodian of archaeological evidence that tells of the passage of Siculians, Greeks, Romans and Byzantines. From the top of Monte Castello you can admire a panorama that stretches from the Gulf of Catania to the mountains of Enna and Caltanissetta. Here lie the remains of the Norman castle, described as "the most formidable fortress in the Val di Noto" . Due to its geographical position, Buccheri was renowned for its snow trade. Its neviere, used until the invention of the refrigerator, were built of lava stone with different shapes: cave, dome or square. They are still visible on the plateau of Mount Lauro.


96010 Buccheri SR, Italia

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