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Città Vecchia


It is in the città vecchia where you discover the secret beauty of Genoa: strolling through the carrugi, where magnificent aristocratic palaces adorned with slate roofs, sculpted portals and pastel-coloured facades pop up. The historical centre of Genoa thus appears uniform and compact in its appearance and varied in its details: balconies, loggias and terraces follow one another like a parade. Then, to counteract the shadowy caruggi, there are the extraordinary buildings of the Rolli, included in the UNESCO circuit, which parade along the bright Strade Nuove, or the buildings of Piazza de Ferrari, such as the Palazzo della Borsa, the work of Adolfo Coppedè. As well as the Ducal Palace, the Cathedral of S. Lorenzo and the Carlo Felice Theatre. From the inner streets, you almost end up at the Old Port, a symbol of the city's ancient mercantile tradition on the one hand and of its rebirth on the other, as demonstrated by the modern architecture designed by Renzo Piano that has made the Old Port one of Genoa's most attractive cultural hubs. 

Città Vecchia
Via Francesco Petrarca, 16121 Genova GE, Italy

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