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Rome Rose Garden


A collection of roses in the heart of the Eternal City

If you love flowers, you can't miss the opportunity to visit the Rome’s Rose Garden, located on the Aventine Hill, in front of the remains of the Palatine. More than a thousand species of roses, from all over the world, are grown in this area. From here, you can also admire a panorama that extends from the bell tower of the Basilica Santa Maria in Cosmedin to the dome of the Synagogue, from the Vittoriano to the astronomical observatory of Monte Mario. The garden is divided into two sections, the larger one hosts ancient and modern varieties of botanical roses, and the other smaller one hosts the collectible varieties that participate in the Premio Roma each year, an international competition that ranks the best roses. The oddest roses there include one with green petals, one that changes colour as the days pass and the Rosa Foetida, which has a rather unpleasant scent similar to cooked linseed oil. The paths are reminiscent of the Menorah, a seven-branched candelabra and a symbol of Judaism, in memory of the ancient community cemetery that was once located on this hill. Admission to the Rose Garden is free of charge.

Rome Rose Garden

Via di Valle Murcia, 6, 00153 Roma RM, Italy

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