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Lying among the vineyards, on the slopes of the Alban Hills facing west, the agricultural vocation over time has been accompanied by a role as an elegant residential area for the capital, as evidenced by the many historic villas. The name refers to the origins of its main monument, the abbey founded in 1004 by San Nilo, who came here from Rossano Calabro to escape Saracen raids. The Kryptaferrata, after which the village was named, is the original chapel, carved out of a Roman-era burial space, closed by heavy fixtures; the decoration, with stories from the life of the saint, is from the 17th century, by Carracci and Domenichino. The building that contains it is the St Mary Basilica, consecrated in 1024, but much altered over the centuries; this is flanked by the abbey palace, which houses a museum and a library with remarkable contents. The two buildings, together with other accessories, are enclosed within a mighty 15th-century walled enclosure, giving the complex an unusual appearance for a religious settlement.


00046 Grottaferrata RM, Italia

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