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The river with two faces

With its 410 kilometres from source to mouth, the Adige is the second longest river in Italy after the Po. Like the latter, it can boast part of its long journey in the Po Valley. 

It originates in the Upper Vinschgau, in the Reschen Pass, and for the first part runs through canyons and valleys, crossing the Adige Valley and touching the cities of Merano and Bolzano. On its descent southwards, it collects the waters of the Passirio, Isarco-Rienza, Noce and Avisio rivers before reaching the city of Trento and Rovereto. 

When it reaches Verona, the Adige begins to show its second face, that of a river with a slower flow ready to cross the Po-Venetian countryside. Here, in the city of love, there are many bridges allowing you to cross it, true works of art that make the river one with the treasures of Verona's historic centre. 

Along its banks runs one of the longest cycle paths in Italy, the Adige Valley cycle path. What better occasion to discover some of the most evocative landscapes of the Bel Paese up to the great Po Delta Park?


Adige, Italy

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