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The first settlements in Clauiano were Roman; destroyed by the Saracens, it was rebuilt to resist the invasions of the Middle Ages as a village of "pieris and claps", stones and pebbles. Buildings developed around the churches of San Giorgio to the south and San Martino to the north. Between the 17th and 18th centuries, the two nuclei to the north and south widened their borders until they merged, taking on their present form: many parts of the Colussi, Dri, Minin and Palladini house complexes date back to this period. From the 18th century are Villa Ariis, Villa Manin and Casa Zof Piano, all with typically decorated porticoes. Of the same period but older origins are Casa Barnaba Manin, Casa Calligaris Foffani and Casa Bosco. The Church of San Giorgio Martire also dates back to the 18th century. In the mid-19th century, large families improved the village's economy by building a spinning mill. Many events are held annually in Clauiano, during which the magnificent medieval village opens its gates and courtyards to show visitors enchanting glimpses of ancient beauty.


33050 Clauiano UD, Italia

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