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Stretched out on the bank of the Imperatrice torrent, it is a small Lucanian village surrounded by thirty-five districts spread over seven hamlets. In all, more or less 3,000 people live there, most of whom are engaged in sheep and goat breeding.. The name itself is linked to this world: it is said to derive from the tradition of spinning wool by local women.

Wandering around the length and breadth of the village, it is impossible not to notice the quantity of fountains you find. Every district has one and many are located alongside 'tratturi', the paths used during transhumance: one of these is the Parchitello fountain, made by local craftsmen.

If you are interested in rock archaeology, you should know that a short distance from the village is the I Pisconi Anthropological Nature Reserve, where you will find caves, numerous traces of rock engravings and a coppice forest with turkey oak, ash, maple and hawthorn trees. It also has a good variety of wildlife, from wolves to wildcats and badgers, with red kites and buzzards circling in the sky.


85020 Filiano PZ, Italia

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