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Accettura is one of the wonderful villages that fall within the Gallipoli Cognato and Piccole Dolomiti Lucane Park. Accettura's origins seem to date back to the period of Magna Graecia, when the village was referred to by the Latin name 'Acceptura', which could refer as much to the meaning of 'sparrowhawk' as to the village's symbol, two golden hatchets, hence 'accepta-aurea', 'Acceptura', hence Accettura. The village of Accettura is very characteristic for its narrow streets through which you can reach noble palaces, ancient stone portals, dating from between the 18th and 19th centuries, and churches, architecture concentrated mainly in the ancient 'Scarrone' district. Accettura is the town that symbolises the 'arboreal weddings' celebrated in Basilicata, ancestral and propitiatory rites in which the trunk and the top, the 'groom' and the 'bride', are grafted together and raised to the sky in a symbolic union. 


75011 Accettura MT, Italia

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