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San Vincenzo Valle Roveto


Beside the Liri river, along the Valle Roveto, immersed in a natural paradise rich in woods, watercourses and expanses of greenery, stands San Vincenzo Valle Roveto, municipality in the province of Aquila that comprising eight villages, including the authentic village of San Vincenzo Vecchio and other ancient nuclei of great historical interest, such as Morrea, San Giovanni Vecchio and Roccavivi. The panorama, which presents itself to visitors visiting the village of San Vincenzo Valle Roveto, is a silent landscape, characterized by the presence of extensive olive groves that add a note of colour and charm to an already enchanting environment. The magnificent mountains and the numerous paths leading to the hermitages are ideal for excursions on foot, mountain bike or horseback. Typical of the village is the production of an excellent organic extra virgin olive oil, 'green gold', a source of pride for all the Sanvincenzesi.


Crediti foto: Marica Massaro

San Vincenzo Valle Roveto

67050 San Vincenzo Valle Roveto AQ, Italia


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