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Calascio is a tiny centre located in the territory of the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park, surrounded by forests, meadows and pastures, but also by rugged limestone. Its very famous Rocca, the symbol of the village, was founded around the year 1000 as a simple watchtower and over time acquired more and more importance. Thus two villages developed, Calascio and Rocca Calascio, the latter completely destroyed by the earthquake of 1703. All that remains today of Rocca Calascio are the ruins, majestic and fascinating sentinels overlooking the village of Calascio. Today, Rocca di Calascio, the highest fortification in Abruzzo, restored and consolidated, attracts many visitors and has been used several times as a film set for national and international films.

Find out more:

Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga (


67020 Calascio AQ, Italia

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