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In the heart of the Peligna Valley, surrounded by woods and pine forests where splendid rare plants grow, we find the ancient medieval town of Introdacqua: its name derives precisely from its location between two watercourses. The town has an ancient history, beginning with the monks of the Abbey of San Clemente, who sent the first settlers here to cultivate their land. The traces of the Middle Ages can be read in the remains of the ancient fortified fortress, where the tower that was the protection and lookout of the village in past centuries stands. Everything here bears the signs of a history that began so long ago: getting lost in the alleys, observing the details of the past, all this takes us back to a time that we can only imagine today. And Introdacqua is the perfect place to let your imagination run wild and chase the ancient legends.


67030 Introdacqua AQ, Italia


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