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Collalto Sabino


On a 'high hill', strategic for defence, rises the village of Collalto Sabino, where the past seems never to have gone away and the atmosphere is still as it once was. The heart of the village is the Baronial Castle, which has maintained its 17th-century appearance and is composed of a central square tower, two round corner towers, sentry boxes and ramparts. Here, between the large park and the ancient well, you reach the keep, from the top of which you can enjoy a vast and splendid panorama: from this privileged position, the view sweeps from Gran Sasso to Terminillo as far as Maiella. The best time to admire this landscape is at sunset, when the many surrounding villages light up, creating a magical atmosphere.

Collalto Sabino

02022 Collalto Sabino RI, Italia

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