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Fissero Tartar Canalbianco


A river navigation experience

The 130-kilometre waterway connecting Mantua to the Adriatic Sea, also touching the Verona area and the province of Rovigo, is called Fissero Tartaro Canalbianco.

Following a hydraulic reclamation project, the scientist Pietro Paleocapa in 1835 had the intuition that the work could also be useful for navigation. Over time, this distant and happy intuition has had important social, cultural, environmental and economic repercussions. In fact, navigation is not only for commercial purposes, but promotes sustainable tourism and shows the natural and historical beauty of this area from a different point of view.

An archaeological itinerary, for example, will give you the opportunity to visit the Museum of the Great Rivers in Rovigo and the National Archaeological Museum in Adria. You can alternate navigation with cycling along one of the paths that run along the canal. In any case, it will certainly be an unforgettable experience.

Fissero Tartar Canalbianco

Tartaro-Canalbianco-Po di Levante, Italia

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