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Initially the fief of Robert the Norman and later of the Sanseverino and Pignatelli families, Noepoli was first mentioned in Norman times, in a document dating from 1133, when Noja was part of the county of Chiaromonte. In 1404, Noepoli was detached from the county of Chiaromonte and incorporated into the royal estate before in 1553 it was sold to the House of Pignatelli.  In 1863, following a royal decree issued by the king Victor Emanuel, the ancient feudal name of Noja was changed from the lower Latin "novium", which means humid and fertile grazing land, to Noepoli, or "new city".

An ancient feudal law is the reason behind the construction of the 17th-century "Palace of pleasure", now called "Palazzo de Cicco". The palace, now owned by the municipality, was used by the lord of the fief during the time of the Pignatelli seignory, to exercise a power known as  thejus primae noctis, which gave him the right to lie with the bride of one of his subjects on the first wedding night.


85035 Noepoli PZ, Italia

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