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Bergamo Island Cycle Path


Discovering the western suburbs of Bergamo

Exploring by bicycle one of the most beautiful areas on the outskirts of Bergamo, the so-called Isola Bergamasca surrounded by the Adda and Brembo rivers, is now possible thanks to one of the easiest cycle paths in the whole of Lombardy. Entirely paved and with no major differences in altitude, the Bergamo Island Cycle Path starts from Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII in Bergamo and runs for 20 kilometres to the small town of Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII.

The route alternates between stretches of cycle paths and roads with little traffic, passing through the villages of Locate and Mapello and the tranquil village of Pratolongo until it reaches Piazza Mater et Magistra in Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII. This is the village where Pope Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli was born. Here you can retrace the history of the Pontiff by visiting his birthplace, the Cà Maitino museum, the small church of Santa Maria where he was baptised and the parish church that houses the Oboedientia et Pax crypt.

Bergamo Island Cycle Path

Isola bergamasca, BG, Italia

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