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Fara Filiorum Petri


A small town with an important history, as the name suggests. Originally a Longobard village, Fara later came under the Benedictines of St Liberatus in Maiella, and was then ruled by the Houses of Orsini and Colonna. How did Fara Filiorum Petri get its unusual name? The word 'fara', in Lombard dialect, is associated with the concept of 'tribe'. This toponym is combined with the Latin name given to the Celestine monks of the convent of St Euphemia (now in ruins), known as the Sons of Peter, hence 'Filiorum Petri'. On 16 January each year, the streets of Fara Filiorum Petri are thronged with locals, celebrating the spectacular Festa delle Farchie (Festival of Bundles), in honour of St Anthony the Abbot. Each of the town's districts produces its own 'bundle' of reeds, which is carried to the church. At nightfall, the bundles are all set on fire, lighting up the sky. Fara is known not just for its history and folklore, but also for its famous white onions, accredited by Slow Food.

Fara Filiorum Petri

66010 Fara Filiorum Petri CH, Italia

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