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Hyblaean Mountains


The most intimate and genuine part of Sicily

Located in an area that encompasses the provinces of Ragusa, Syracuse and partially also the region of Catania, the Hyblaean Mountains are a plateau that rises to a maximum altitude of 987 metres above sea level and dominates the southeast of Sicily. This area of the island preserves a historical-landscape heritage of inestimable value. The Hyblaean Mountains are rich in springs, rivers and waterfalls that over the millennia have excavated numerous canyons, such as that of Cavagrande del Cassibile, but they are also home to ancient farms, carob trees, centuries-old olive trees, almond trees, wheat fields and pastures left open.

In this area of Sicily you can also find evocative villages rich in history, such as Buccheri, Ferla, Monterosso Almo and Chiaramonte Gulfi. Along the road that crosses the Hyblaean plateau, which can also be travelled on foot or by bicycle, nature expresses all its splendour wherever you turn. The Hyblaean Mountains are the ideal destination for those who want to enjoy an experience of slowness and authenticity.

Hyblaean Mountains

Monti Iblei, 96013 Carlentini SR, Italia

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