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Basilica of San Bartolomeo


The Museum of the Cathedral Basilica of Pontecorvo contained an enormous collection of sacred objects, the artistic value of which was priceless. Unfortunately, the bombardment of the Second World War and continuous looting greatly impoverished this immense wealth, known as the "Treasure of San Bartolomeo".
A treasure should not be kept hidden, however, but must be made visible to all, since it belongs to all. The Archpriest Mons. Luigi Casatelli, therefore, decided to exhibit what was left by setting up a museum in the cathedral crypt. After much reflection and with the help of Bishop Vincenzo Tavernese, the President of the Diocesan Office for Cultural Heritage, the museum was made ready during 1998. On 6 January 1999, the diocesan bishop Mons. Luca Brandolini inaugurated it during the solemn Liturgy of the Epiphany. At the entrance to the staircase is a canonical stone washbasin (122x65x38) with the cathedral's coat of arms and two water-mask heads, artwork by an unknown local stonemason from the 17th century.

Basilica of San Bartolomeo
Piazza IV Novembre, 8, 03037 Pontecorvo FR, Italia
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