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Santa Fiora


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Surrounded by chestnut trees, on the southern side of Mount Amiata, the historic centre of Santa Fiora is divided into three thirds. The oldest part of the town is the Tertiere Castello, with remains of Aldobrandeschi buildings, then you pass the Porticciola to reach the Tertiere Borgo where the Jewish ghetto was located, and then arrive in the Tertiere di Montecatino, after crossing the Porta San Michele.

Not to be missed,  the Peschiera (16th century) suggestive Sforza park-garden and the Madonna delle Nevi church that rises above the sources of the Fiora river, visible under the glass floor, with frescoes by Francesco Nasini. Palazzo Sforza Cesarini, with admirable frescoes, the parish church of Sante Flora and Lucilla which houses the largest collection in the world of Robbian terracottes and the Museum of mercury mines of Mount Amiata are also worth a visit.

Typical products

include the brown chestnut of the Amiata PGI, the oliveoil of Seggiano PDO and a wide variety of mushrooms. Among the events, Santa Fiora in music is the summer festival, the Palio delle Sante Flora e Lucilla is held on the last Sunday of July while in autumn there is space for the festival of mushrooms and that of Santa Fiora brown.

Santa Fiora

58037 Santa Fiora GR, Italia

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