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Val Brembana Cycle Path


A family-friendly path amid nature and delightful villages

The province of Bergamo offers many options for cycle tourists who want to enjoy a trip out of town surrounded by nature and on routes suitable for everyone. One of the most evocative routes is the Val Brembana, a 23-kilometre paved route from Zogno up the valley to Piazza Brembana, riding through historical places such as the Art Nouveau town of San Pellegrino Terme and the delightful village of Cornello dei Tasso.

The Val Brembana cycle route follows the course of the Brembo river and traces the route of the now disused railway line, including the many tunnels that offer some cool relief on hot days.

The route starts in Piazza Genieri d'Italia, in the heart of Zogno, and ends in Via Antonio Locatelli in Piazza Brembana. Even those who do not have a lot of biking experience can tackle the entire cycle route with ease, thanks to a maximum height difference of only 230 metres. Especially on summer Sundays, when the route can be very busy, special attention must be paid to the short sections on ordinary roads at San Pellegrino Terme, San Giovanni Bianco and Camerata Cornello.

Val Brembana Cycle Path

Ciclovia Valle Brembana, 24016 San Pellegrino Terme BG, Italia

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